Dear California Association of Student Councils (CASC) family,
It is my greatest honor to serve as your 2024-2025 State President. With immense enthusiasm and determination, I embark on this journey to build on the passionate work of my predecessors—continuing 77 years of remarkable tradition and culture.
My time with CASC began years ago, on a quest to connect with others over shared values and aspirations. Having moved to the U.S. just six months before, I took a leap of faith, choosing to attend Summer Camp with little knowledge of what it had to offer. What I discovered was far more than just a simple organization; I found a home—a sanctuary of solace, inspiration, and dedication.
At its core, CASC is a family. Each of you brings a unique story, a distinct perspective, and a shared commitment to excellence that makes our community truly special. Together, we form bonds that extend beyond the confines of advocacy and leadership; we celebrate each other’s successes, support one another through challenges, and lift each other when we need it the most. In CASC, we find not just peers, but life-long friends and allies.
On behalf of the 2024-2025 State Council, I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore the many opportunities offered by CASC. Attending one of our many programs grants the opportunity to connect with hundreds of students from across the State of California, all the while presenting bill proposals to the Senate and the Assembly or the Board of Education. Joining your Region Cabinet has the potential to further your passion for government affairs and policy, but to also create local change that impacts thousands in your community.
The California Association of Student Councils has been tirelessly dedicated to amplifying student voices and developing our nation’s future leaders; this year is no different. I thank you sincerely for your support and dedication to changing the world; let us continue to uphold the values of leadership and advocacy that have guided us thus far, united in our mission to make a difference in the lives of students across California. Thank you again, and I hope to see you around!
Kindest regards,
David (Shijoon) Bae (he/him)
2024-2025 State President